Gone but Not Forgotten: Westwood
At the end of it's life, in the '80s, it was referred to as "Mountain High Racing", built into the side of the mountains above Coquitlam and Port Moody.
e-Tracks: World Motor Racing Circuits Guide - Westwood
Despite being a relatively short and low-key track, far off the beaten path from Road Atlanta, The Glen, Laguna, Sears or Riverside (major US tracks), Westwood attracked some major stars from the racing scene of the 50s to 70s.
It was well known for it's hairy, down-hill "Clubhouse Corner", forest setting, and imfamous "Deer's Leap" - a sudden dive in he middle of it's back stretch, which sent a number of high-powered cars launching into the woods.
Now, in modern times, it's nothing more then another parking lot of track-housing and Mc-Mansions, but back in the day, it was the place that caused me to fall in love with fast cars and tight apexes.
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