Tuesday, October 19, 2004


This movie was sheer brilliance...

TEAM AMERICA:WORLD POLICE is a totally kick ass movie!!

Finally, after waiting more then 3 years for someone to satirize ALL that happened and involved the 9/11 "thing" in New York, leave it up to two Yanks, Trey Parker and Matt Stone(d) to do the deed.

What makes this film work, in my opinion, is that it attacks the left, right and center. The hypocrisy and ignorance is revealed!!

This movie features, lots of explosions...

Musical numbers...

and plenty of gratuitous PUPPET SEX! YESS!!!
(picture not available due to the harm that can be caused to persons under the age of 17 after having seen wood-carved figurines getting some action)

This movie sums up what I believe in most strongly:

I want people to leave the theater thinking - "I can't believe someone gave them the money to make that!!"


Blogger chris said...

america..... f**k yeah!

3:47 PM  

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